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Open Space
“Agile Working

From A Systemic Perspective”

An open yet structured format

for inspiring exchange

By popular demand, I’m excited to invite you to the third Online Marketplace or Open Space on “Agile Working – A Systemic Perspective,” happening Friday, June 14, 2024. This event is ideal for those familiar with or curious about systems theory and provides a deeper look into the systemic foundations of Agile work. This topic came up in the Simon Weber Friends Basecamp and continues to spark our blog discussions.

What to Expect from This Open Space?

An Open Space is no ordinary event with a fixed agenda. Instead, participants shape the topics and discussions in a flexible format. Each person is encouraged to propose themes or join discussions within a 30-45 minute time frame. From experience-sharing to presentations to interactive workshops, the diversity of topics lies with participants, ensuring unique and insightful sessions (see Wikipedia/Open Space for more details).

Theme: “Agile Working – A Systemic Perspective”

We’ll delve into and question the assumptions behind Agile principles. Is “twice the work in half the time” an illusion, a goal, or the natural outcome of human-centered collaboration? Agile routines reduce uncertainty and create a framework for managing complexity, laying the groundwork for sustainable, efficient teamwork. Join us to discover fresh perspectives together.

Event Details and Registration

Date: Friday, June 14, 2024
Time: 08:30 – 12:30
Location: Online (please register on Eventbrite to receive the Teams link, which will be sent only to registered email addresses).

Last Event Highlights and Feedback

Here are a few reflections from participants at the previous session.

Donation Drive for LAGAYA e.V.

Participation is free, but donations to LAGAYA in Stuttgart, an organization supporting women with substance dependencies, are greatly appreciated. Your contribution can make a meaningful impact:

IBAN: DE95 6005 0101 0001 1904 76
Reference: JOEDECKE Open Space (this way, I can share the total amount raised afterward!)

For more information, visit Homepage of LAGAYA.

Are you looking for advice on agile working methods for your company or do you want to organize an open space for your teams? Then book an appointment for a no-obligation discussion and together we will see what future collaboration could look like.

Let's get in touch


Systemisches Coaching Stuttgart

BAFA Förderungen für Unternehmen

Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz fördert mit einem Programm speziell kleine Unternehmen, Start-ups und…
Systemic Constellations
Organizational design


Efficiency. Fun. Result.