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Efficient Communication and Clear Focus

Why We Need More Than Just Technology

Technical Products Are a Core Part of Our Lives. Whether it’s a smart refrigerator or a state-of-the-art parking assistant, many of us enjoy the conveniences these innovations bring to our daily lives. Even those who skip some technical gadgets still expect technology to run smoothly and reliably. We rely on a 400-ton train to stop safely, our car to stay in its lane, and the solar battery in our basement to work without risk of causing a fire.

Not Everyone Can or Wants to Know How Technical Products Work

Even in large product development teams, not everyone can be an expert in everything.

Customer Interactions Are Full of Blind Spots and Distance

  • Developers assume they know what the customer needs and often don’t ask.
  • Customers hesitate to share all their observations about a product.
  • Customers accept suboptimal functions, assuming there’s a technical reason for it, or they think it’s irrelevant.

Meanwhile, many companies are running austerity programs: heavy cost-cutting, pressure to reduce expenses, and slimming down operations. Instead of engaging directly with the team and customers on-site, travel is restricted. A phone call must suffice, or even better, an AI-analyzed questionnaire. Internal team-building is also dismissed: “We know how we work, so let’s just get back to it.”

Building effective, dependable communication, fostering strong relationships, and creating solid leadership in this challenging environment is what drives me!

Clear Focus, Reliable Agreements, and a Secure Environment

These elements enable freedom in technical communication and reduce blind spots.

Any developer who has experienced a project hitting rock bottom knows the aftermath: 70% of the original project scope is cut, and the truly essential 30% gets the team’s full attention. Ideally, we organize this kind of focus before a project fails. It’s always much cheaper this way.

This is exactly what my workshop will address at the Project Days

September 4–6, 2024, AXA Innovation Campus in Cologne.

Product People Joedecke

Your project team is getting lost in the details, the original vision is no longer clear, costs are rising, and milestones keep shifting? Schedule a no-obligation consultation, and together we’ll discuss a health check for your project.



Systemisches Coaching Stuttgart

BAFA Förderungen für Unternehmen

Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz fördert mit einem Programm speziell kleine Unternehmen, Start-ups und…
Systemic Constellations
Organizational design


Efficiency. Fun. Result.