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Organizational Development
& Consulting

Empowering people to make companies fit for the future

Integrated organizational development, consulting and more

An integral approach – individually flexible – is crucial for both the employees and development of the business. It leads to a process- and goal-oriented proceed in complex organizations. This approach is individually flexible and has proven itself long term.

On this basis, communication and cooperation become stable and scalable factors for success. Hence, together in co-work we structure, built up safe spaces, reduce complexity, develop possible options for action and thus get things moving.


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Integral organizational development

By reflecting together, we enable your company to stop dwelling on the problem and see new solutions and operational options.

Organizational development aims to understand people as the key to success. So, effective structures are set up to manage personnel, making individuals and companies strong and fit for the future – based on increased resilience, more clarity, structure and confident use of own resources.



For integral organizational development, a perfect plan is not enough

Regardless of the scope, sustainable change requires the feedback and active participation of the entire organization. It’s not enough to simply distribute the vision, mission and a plan to the employees. Only when the meaning and purpose of a change is clear and self-efficacy is felt by everyone involved, will it resonate with active participation.

And it’s not complicated, but the art of organizational development – using methods correctly and, above all, in the right context. The integral approach in organizational development takes into account all framework conditions and also bears in mind the interactions.

Personal and organizational development – opportunities!

Organizational development also offers great potential in the area of human resources and personal development. It’s based on the idea of making people effective, spurring them to interact. Creating brilliant opportunities using very simple methods.

For example, spotting bottlenecks in processes and planning in your company to reduce long decision-making time. Or a regular Gemba Walk by the top-management through the company can bring people together who would otherwise not meet in everyday life. At the same time, it provides unobstructed insights that cannot be described in PowerPoint presentations.

Integrale Organisationsentwicklung und Beratung
Organisationsentwicklung und Beratung
Alexander Joedecke Organisationsberatung und Coaching

You have questions about organizational development?

Would you like professional advice and to find out more about the opportunities in organizational development? Then make an appointment and together we will envision future cooperation.

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Efficiency. Fun. Result.